Open letter to Dutch PM regarding the civil effect of the Dutch passport in connection to exiled EU-citizens + reply

It must be said that being a refugee is already hard enough. Countless of people have to flee their country on an annual basis for various reasons, ranging from war, famine, crime, national security, or a combination of issues. Below is an open letter sent to the Dutch PM regarding the civil effect of the Dutch passport in connection to exiled EU citizens. This refers to people who have had to flee an EU country as a result of exposing violations of human rights or other major crimes with an economic/state dimension to it. In this case specifically, reference is made to Latvia and Malta. 

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'Discounted ... By a Lightning Strike!' meets Livraria Lello in Porto!

Livraria Lello is a hidden gem at the heart of the old city centre of Porto, my favourite city. Located near the Torres dos Clerigos, it captures the imagination of author and reader alike. The well-decorated building at the Rua das Carmelitas 144, where the store is located, dates from 1906. It was designed by engineer Francisco Xavier Esteves in Neo-Gothic style. Although limited in size, visiting the building is a sublime experience, attracting about 3500 visitors per day as I have been told. The store covers a range of authors, both Portuguese and foreign ones, mostly classical. Several names that caught my attention are William Shakespeare, George Orwell and Miguel de Cervantes. Besides being a visitor for the second time, this occasion was an excellent opportunity to share my own book, 'Discounted ... By a Lightning Strike!', which is in itself a celebration of continental Europe, its economics, history and beauty (and a female character from Porto). You can find a photo report of the store below, highly recommended to visit this place!More on economics and Porto coming soon ...

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Paper king versus paper tyrant: How to spot fake Euro notes?

Counterfeit is a term with a negative connotation, and for good reasons. Without authenticity, the concept of trust is at stake, and that definitely rings true in economics. Luckily, there are several details that help you verify whether paper money is real or not, so that you can conduct transactions with confidence. 

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Update: eBook available on Kindle!

Since today, 'Discounted ... By a Lightning Strike!' is also available as an eBook on Amazon Kindle! This improves access to the story besides the existing paperback versions. Check out below link for more ...

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Takeaways of the Eurex Derivatives Forum 2024

The Eurex Derivatives Forum 2024 took place at the ABN Amro headquarters. This annual event discusses the latest trends in derivatives markets, Eurex being a major derivatives exchange in Europe. Having attended the event myself, I have documented key findings throughout the day in the best possible manner. Information has been ranked based on the various different sessions, in accordance with the Chatham House Rule. Please find attached the document below ... 

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Highlights of the IEX Investors Day

On 28 June the annual IEX Beleggersdag (Investors Day) took place in Bussum. It is a perfect occasion to discuss the latest trends in markets and stock investing, through the lens of CEOs, investment analysts and investors themselves. Below document summarises the highlights of each session I attended ... 

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Updates on T+1 by AFME: A summary overview

On 26 June, the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) organised an online event, during which the effects of a T+1 settlement regime in financial markets were discussed. Implemented in the US one month ago, the EU and UK are now catching up. Below document gives a summary of the effects of T+1 thus far, with insights from different field experts with a connection to either industry or regulators ... 

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Highlights of the AFM MiCAR webinar

Last week the AFM (Dutch Authority for Financial Markets) organised a webinar on regulations concerning Crypto-assets. The event took place on 25 June, and below document gives an overview of discussed topics per speaker ... 

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